Take part in the Challenge Bonus

posted by Amber Brady on July 12, 2024 Man on phone

Agency vs. Agency Health Coaching Competition

Start making healthy changes while working to win the next Challenge Bonus! This bonus opportunity is an agency vs. agency Health Coaching Competition and the agency with the highest participation in health coaching wins.

All you have to do is complete one individual or group health coaching session through ActiveHealth by September 30 to help your agency. If you’ve already completed a health coaching session in 2024, you’ve done your part to help your team!

Each Challenge Bonus is broken into four groups, and one agency will be crowned winner for each group. Any individual that is in a winning agency AND has participated in the Challenge Bonus activity, will receive a bonus $25 in Wellness Rewards. The four groups are:

View the Challenge Bonus webpage to find your agency’s group and view the current rankings. Rankings will be updated weekly.

How to participate? 

View the Wellness Rewards FAQ and navigate to the ActiveHealth Activities section for more info about group and individual health coaching.

ActiveHealth Coaches

The ActiveHealth coaches can help you with goals related to exercise, diet, sleep, mindfulness, work-life balance, tobacco cessation, diabetes coaching, weight management or other areas you want to focus on. You set the priorities and the health coach provides information and makes suggestions to get you where you want to be. 

Note: You will earn $20 in Wellness Rewards (up to $100 per year) for each individual health coaching session you complete, and $5 in Wellness Rewards (up to $25 per year) for each group coaching session you complete, even if your agency does not win the challenge bonus. The Challenge Bonus is available to employees and spouses eligible for the ActiveHealth program. Spouse participation will not factor into the agency completion percentages, however, spouses must complete a health coaching session by Sept. 30, 2024, to be eligible to receive the bonus $25 in wellness rewards.